Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Calm Before the Toys

I enjoyed the calm before the toys on the morning before we moved them all into the basement and braced myself for the chaos on the way. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how willingly the kids let go of old toys and enthusiastically put their favorites in their new homes. There was still some work to do the day after (Lego organization for the kids; children's craft supplies for me) and I've never been more grateful for a home project taking so long. This work and its rewards are just what we need right now.

Since I took these pictures, the toys have arrived, we've put up some art on the walls, and we brought in a table and chairs that has already seen some cutthroat games of Monopoly. I'll share new pics soon (a rug is also on the way), but for now, just enjoy the calm.

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